Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Thinking of the Future

I got to thinking this morning, “What would I do if my son ever starts to feel bad about himself? Like he doesn’t have anything to contribute to this world.” How on earth would I respond to that? It’s difficult to feel proud of what you have to offer when the media celebrates only those with a plethora of skills who do great things.

Then an analogy came to mind, here’s hoping I’ll remember it years down the line. If we considered ourselves as stones we can think of people like Bill Gates and Mel Brooks as diamonds and people like you and I would be something more common, like granite. And let’s face it, a sterling silver, princess cut granite ring isn’t the best way to a woman’s heart. Yet without granite, where would Yosemite National Park be? Or most of the Earth’s continental crust, or Mt. Rushmore, or the great Pyramids or even granite counter tops? While we can’t all be diamonds, we are all important and have purpose.

So don’t try to be something you’re not. Be yourself and value the things that make you who you are.